Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Donation to Safe...

The National Blood Bank called me last week, asking me to go over their center as they need my blood donation.

Eventually, they need my blood which contains a type of antibody which currently a patient needs urgently.

It took me a day to finally decide to accept their request because there were obstacles along that period.

It was Friday, honestly, I was a bit tired after work but I believe it is fine for me because I realized the urgency of this matter and my body can handle it since I’m not working tomorrow.

Finally I have the chance to visit the National Blood Bank by myself. The staffs are very friendly and polite. Furthermore, they fetch me to their bank.

During my donation, I met a few regular donors. There’s a guy beside me told me that he will make a donation once a year. I believe all these donors are having a big heart to help others but when I look around the room with 40 sits only 5 people was in that room including me. Then I wonder, is it very hard to get a donor nowadays as people are more busy with life, work and rushing time especially in city?

After my donation, as per usual procedure, they will offer me hot drinks and pastries. I took a 10 minutes rest on the pantry. Then, I got up and they fetch me home with their jeep.

I do feel good after the donation because I know that I might safe a life today. Furthermore, I got to understand that my blood is rare and I myself need such blood type when I needed (Of cause I won’t want anything bad happen to me… Haha..).

To you all out there, I encourage you to visit the National Blood Bank when you have an opportunity or participate in any blood donation campaign. You will understand how the good feeling I’m carrying with me.
