Saturday, August 30, 2008


最近的疲倦, 谁来明白?
依靠自己, 坚持下去的脚步,
虽然如此, 您的微笑我忘不了。

忙忙碌碌的, 但您始终在我心中,
如果可以, 我想要拥抱您,
再一次温暖的拥抱, 您愿意吗?

回忆过去, 许多事曾经是煎熬,
用一切, 换您的微笑。
我的笑, 可以很浪费,
是值得的, 起码我够慷慨。

不要哭, 眼泪要学习自已擦,

只需要知道您好, 我会微笑。
不委曲, 因为您拨动了我的心跳,
不说话, 只倾听你的耳语心跳。


Monday, August 25, 2008

Will Anyone Come to me?...

Was sick these few days… Until now still yet to recover… I checked myself every morning and if I know I still can go to work, I'll force myself to get up and prepare for the day.

My body is weakening every time when it is almost reaching the end of the day. I reached home, taking out my keys and slotting the key towards the door-lock with my shivering hand. Finally I got in to my cozy house and immediately I feel comforted.

I yield towards the living room and upstairs “Anyone home?” Silence replied me and I know that I’m alone again.

Walk slowly towards the kitchen, there it was, a pack of takeaway-meal placed on the dining table, my heart give thanks by saying “ Thanks Mom.”

Without finishing my dinner, I put away my dinner into the trash-can, take my medicine and head on to my shower.

Lay down on my bed, I gaze at the ceiling in my room and my heart grips and turns sour. I tears, hoping there’s someone beside me. So, I whisper “Will anyone come to me…?” Knowing the fact that I’m alone now, it’s helpless.

Holding my pillow close to me, pretending I’m hiding under an arm.

Slowly the medicine take effect and I’m getting drowsy, my eyelids are like stage curtains closing after a day of performance.

In such tough life and weakening feelings, there’s only one thing that I will hold on to and to remind myself that I need to stand up and move on with my life. I need to be strong in order to care for the people who are close to me.

That is YOU.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Seeking you…

In the middle of the night my heart seeks for you. Your gentleness and kindness makes be swell in love and happiness. Your promises makes worth for me to serve and your unfailing love makes me realized that you are watching me everyday.

Breaks my heart for what breaks yours, all I want is to put a smile on your face. When I see you again, I wish to hear you say “Well-done”.

Let me be what you want me to be, let me know your purpose and what’s in your heart. So, send me to the place you want me to go.

Knowing you had given up your everything, my heart was amazed by such grace. Repeating a question my mind, “How can this be?”

You are someone always shows your constant love to me and to those who knows you.

Though there are times I turn away from you but you never leave me, I’m the one who leaves you. What can I ask for more?

Refine me, cleanse me, teach me, guide me, remind me, comfort me, strengthen me, hold me, sustain me, free me, embrace me, forgive me, rebuke me… these is what you to best. So, this is what I can surrender to you.

Your gentleness I will carry everyday.
I thank you for believing in me.